What Internet told me: Geekvana, is it possible?
Time ago I wrote down a quick plain text file with the main "rules" about achieving the "geekvana", an inner peace state, which I learnt reading posts and posts through years.
Now I am declutting my computer and I want to share my own steps:
- simplicity
- dump everything on
- say no
- sleep
- declutter
- use reminders
- proactive
- focus
- don’t multitask (thinking about your next task or anything that worries you counts)
- be aware of time
- less time (restrict yourself)
- allow interruptions (just handle them gently)
- pile tasks
- pick one at random (upon priorities)
- automate everything (whenever possible)
If you want a better explanation about, ask me, but I recommend you reading first Leo Babauta's The Power of Less, an awesome book.